Happy Mother's Day to All


Rose by Jessica Michel


Today, May 10th, 2020, is Mother's Day in United States of America and internationally. We honor and celebrate all mother's and mothers to be and for those who lost their moms. Whether we are Dog, Cat, Bird, Fish, or Other Pet Moms, different types of Moms, Foster Parents, Adoptive Parents, We all Deserve to be Cherished and Loved by Our Heavenly Father and Mother, Friends, Neighbors, and Families.


May God and Goddess Bless and Keep You All Safe in these Trying Times and Remember, We Can Get Through These Tough Times with the Help of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Confederation of Light, and especially God and Goddess plus Archangel Immanuel and his twin flame.


Thanks for all you do, great moms of this world.... Keep up the Good Work.... If you are in need of any Free Resources, the US Government has Grants and other options available to Help You in these Trying Times.....